Shaping life: the geology of Mediterranean-climate ecosystems
"Shaping Life: The Geology of Mediterranean-Climate Ecosystems" explains the starring role of geology in the evolution of species in California, central Chile, the Western Cape of South Africa, South and southwestern Australia, and the Mediterranean Basin.

A tale of two UC natural reserves
The James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve and the Sweeney Granite Mountains Reserve in the Mojave Desert are outdoor labs for students and scientists.

Building batteries and bridges
With moral and monetary support, including a UC Proof of Concept Grant, two UC grads have formed a company to create 'printable' batteries that are efficient, environmentally friendly and could be made as small as a postage stamp.

Graduate students take their research to the Capitol
They delivered a message to legislators: graduate student research is central not only to the future of UC, but to that of the state and the nation as well.

Warning where the Big One will hit
UC Berkeley is partnering with two other universities, a philanthropic foundation and industry to conduct earthquake research that could lead to a warning system. People could then have time to dive for cover, and transportation and utility systems could shut down operations.

Tiny saviors in our backyard
Honey bees get most of the buzz, but some native bees are better at spreading pollen. They may hold the solution to world pollination problems that affect important crops.

Putting the crown on solar power
Someday, solar power will provide all the energy homes and buildings need for electricity, heat and cooling. Scientists at UC Solar, a multicampus research institute based at UC Merced, are helping to make that day come true.

Crossing borders to kick-start novel research
Scientists in Mexico and at UC study the breeding habits of a remarkable seabird for possible clues about behavioral evolution and how animals may develop immunities. The project is one of many research collaborations supported by UC MEXUS.
Students step up global sustainability research
UC Merced engineering students do real world research, in California and India.

Getting to the root of the water cycle
In a remarkable outdoor laboratory in the Sierra, UC Merced and UC Berkeley researchers use sensors to gather a mother lode of data to greatly improve ecological measurement and hydrologic forecasting.

Keeping the planet from being cooked
Reducing black carbon could immediately slow global warming and save millions of lives, says a UC San Diego scientist. And simply providing cleaner-burning stoves in rural villages can help do the trick.

Studying the seasons: how climate change affects natural communities
UC Santa Barbara researchers have launched the California Phenology Project. Scientists, docents, staff, teachers and other citizen researchers will track the life stages of selected plant species at eight UC natural reserves.

Lizard tails and gecko feet inspire industries, students
UC Berkeley discoveries about these agile and sticky reptiles have sparked product ideas ranging from rescue robots to sports gear. And they have captured the research imagination of undergraduate and graduate students.

After the smoke clears, danger still lurks
Thirdhand smoke is a new frontier, and UC's Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program has assembled a consortium of investigators to study the health risks caused by the remnants of cigarette smoke.

Remote sensing: placing nature at our fingertips
Researchers at UC Natural Reserve System locations use sensors to map land, track animals and collect environmental data.

Seeding innovation
Decades ago, students helped spur organic farming and laid the ground for sustainable agriculture research and education programs at UC Davis and UC Santa Cruz that are models today for other universities.

Lighting it up, efficiently
Buildings use up to two-thirds of the electricity in the U.S. A UC startup company is developing innovative technologies to curb skyrocketing electrical consumption, energy costs and greenhouse emissions.

Proving a concept and leaping the `valley of death`
An instrument to quickly detect traumatic brain injury, a vaccine to save unborn calves from a deadly bacterium and a technology to clean up grimy water are among research projects getting a boost from a new UC program. New grants will help move critical research out of the lab and into the market.

Car crash website tracks the really big hits
For those wanting to know about risky places to drive, or even walk, UC Berkeley researchers have designed a tool for sorting through and mapping all of the serious traffic collisions in the state.
Building the bridge of engineers and environmentalists
A global network, Engineers for a Sustainable World, is now headquartered at UC Merced. Students work on innovative projects from supplying solar-generated electricity to villages in India to replacing polluting diesel fuel on international cargo ships.

'Lands of Two Seasons'
The UC Natural Reserve System and UCTV have launched a video series about the world's Mediterranean-climate zones, which include much of California.

UC and national labs tackle pressing safety issues with innovative research
A unique collaboration between a law professor and chemist to use forensic science to investigate potential weapons of mass destruction and a novel way to monitor carbon emissions in urban areas are among new projects funded by the UC Laboratory Fees Research Program.

'Artificial nose' knows the ripeness of fruit
UC Davis researchers are applying the same science used to sniff out illegal drugs to smelling and picking out the freshest melons.

Smarter power
As the nation's power system ages and grows insufficient, UC researchers are building a smarter, greener electric grid for the future.
Rising stars of science
Five UC graduate students and postdoctoral researchers were among innovators named 'Rising Stars of Science: The Forbes 30 under 30.'

Wild bee research at UC Natural Reserve System
A large amount of native bee research in California occurs in the wild landscapes protected by the UC Natural Reserve System.

Evaluating marine parks in the high seas
California is a leader in protecting marine life and areas, and UC scientists play an important role in studying, advising and shaping policy that must balance the environmental needs of the ocean with those of millions of users.

There's something in the California air
UC professors built and worked in towers as part of the largest single atmospheric research effort in the state. The data they've collected will guide policymakers dealing with air pollution.

Center chases truth about state's crises
A multicampus center connects researchers and people in the community to address poverty, employment, health, the environment and other California issues.

Building a green lab
Making research labs more sustainable can help UC campuses to cut energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.