Higgs boson: UC physicists mattered in historic search
UC scientists spearheaded key experiments in what some call the 'Holy Grail' discovery in physics: a new particle that may prove to be the long-sought Higgs boson.

Listening in on the brain
UC San Diego scientists are developing technology that links thoughts and commands from the brain to computers. In addition to neat gadgets like mind-dialed cell phones, devices to assist the severely disabled and a cap to alert nodding-off air traffic controllers, new technology could reshape medicine.
Graduate student researchers mix technology and humanity
Graduate students are at the heart of UC research. And many package their expertise, creativity and compassion to tackle and solve key problems in California and beyond.
Rising stars of science
Five UC graduate students and postdoctoral researchers were among innovators named 'Rising Stars of Science: The Forbes 30 under 30.'

The physics of folding clothes
Pieter Abbeel and his UC Berkeley students have developed a robot to help out with laundry. At the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society, their aim now is to expand the robotic repertoire to aid surgeons.

Technologies that can change lives now moving beyond the lab
From flowing massive amounts of digital information to healing pain, scientists in UC's Proof of Concept program are pushing innovations and speeding technology transfer.

Car crash website tracks the really big hits
For those wanting to know about risky places to drive, or even walk, UC Berkeley researchers have designed a tool for sorting through and mapping all of the serious traffic collisions in the state.