Getting the bigger and fuller picture
UC San Diego experts in 3-D imaging refine virtual reality devices to generate detailed and reliable models of spaces, people and objects. These will be valuable tools to other researchers, including archaeologists.

Trimming time in the stacks
A sophisticated text-analyzing tool developed by a UC graduate student could speed literary searches for humanities scholars and other researchers.

From pantographs to nanosoldiers
Colin Milburn of UC Davis has investigated how the early history of nanotechnology was influenced by ideas from science fiction. He also studies how scientists use video game hardware and software to run experiments.

Turning big ideas into solutions
UC's Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) rewarded teams of students for developing innovative tools that may prove handy for politics, health care and seeking social services.

Crossing the 'uncanny valley'
It's when a humanlike robot, android or animated creature gives you the creeps. A UC San Diego scientist is looking at what's going on in our brains when we view these characters.

Car crash website tracks the really big hits
For those wanting to know about risky places to drive, or even walk, UC Berkeley researchers have designed a tool for sorting through and mapping all of the serious traffic collisions in the state.

Graduate students take their research to the Capitol
They delivered a message to legislators: graduate student research is central not only to the future of UC, but to that of the state and the nation as well.

A haven for the spooky and the geeky
With more than 100,000 books, the Eaton Collection at UC Riverside is the world's largest public assortment of science fiction, fantasy, horror and utopian literature. And it is a valuable resource for scholars and researchers worldwide.