Higgs boson: UC physicists mattered in historic search
UC scientists spearheaded key experiments in what some call the 'Holy Grail' discovery in physics: a new particle that may prove to be the long-sought Higgs boson.

UC center explores race in 21st century
Across all 10 UC campuses, the Center for New Racial Studies connects researchers examining a wide variety of issues linked to race, including class, ethnicity, gender and immigration status.

Evaluating marine parks in the high seas
California is a leader in protecting marine life and areas, and UC scientists play an important role in studying, advising and shaping policy that must balance the environmental needs of the ocean with those of millions of users.

Studying the seasons: how climate change affects natural communities
UC Santa Barbara researchers have launched the California Phenology Project. Scientists, docents, staff, teachers and other citizen researchers will track the life stages of selected plant species at eight UC natural reserves.

Graduate students take their research to the Capitol
They delivered a message to legislators: graduate student research is central not only to the future of UC, but to that of the state and the nation as well.

Putting the crown on solar power
Someday, solar power will provide all the energy homes and buildings need for electricity, heat and cooling. Scientists at UC Solar, a multicampus research institute based at UC Merced, are helping to make that day come true.

Legislators tap grad students for expertise
In early June, 20 UC graduate students met with state lawmakers to discuss the variety and importance of their research. Several students were asked for their input on key policy issues, such as conservation and energy.

Learning by getting into the heads of schoolchildren
New brain imaging technology may pave the way for a new science to understand how children think and learn. It could eventually help educators and revolutionize classrooms.

Wild bee research at UC Natural Reserve System
A large amount of native bee research in California occurs in the wild landscapes protected by the UC Natural Reserve System.