UC and national labs tackle pressing safety issues with innovative research
A unique collaboration between a law professor and chemist to use forensic science to investigate potential weapons of mass destruction and a novel way to monitor carbon emissions in urban areas are among new projects funded by the UC Laboratory Fees Research Program.

Center chases truth about state's crises
A multicampus center connects researchers and people in the community to address poverty, employment, health, the environment and other California issues.

Getting to the root of the water cycle
In a remarkable outdoor laboratory in the Sierra, UC Merced and UC Berkeley researchers use sensors to gather a mother lode of data to greatly improve ecological measurement and hydrologic forecasting.

Putting the crown on solar power
Someday, solar power will provide all the energy homes and buildings need for electricity, heat and cooling. Scientists at UC Solar, a multicampus research institute based at UC Merced, are helping to make that day come true.
Students step up global sustainability research
UC Merced engineering students do real world research, in California and India.

Graduate students take their research to the Capitol
They delivered a message to legislators: graduate student research is central not only to the future of UC, but to that of the state and the nation as well.
Building the bridge of engineers and environmentalists
A global network, Engineers for a Sustainable World, is now headquartered at UC Merced. Students work on innovative projects from supplying solar-generated electricity to villages in India to replacing polluting diesel fuel on international cargo ships.