Reaching underserved smokers before lung cancer turns deadly
UC's Tobacco-Related Disease Program administers the California Cancer Research Fund, made possible by taxpayers who donate money by checking line 413 on their state income tax forms. This year, research will focus on early lung cancer screening, especially in underserved communities, and the barriers to seeking life-saving screening and care.

Technologies that can change lives now moving beyond the lab
From flowing massive amounts of digital information to healing pain, scientists in UC's Proof of Concept program are pushing innovations and speeding technology transfer.

Cancer research stretches into the community
Dollars donated by California tax filers support innovative research to fight breast cancer and tobacco-related diseases.

Warning where the Big One will hit
UC Berkeley is partnering with two other universities, a philanthropic foundation and industry to conduct earthquake research that could lead to a warning system. People could then have time to dive for cover, and transportation and utility systems could shut down operations.

Car crash website tracks the really big hits
For those wanting to know about risky places to drive, or even walk, UC Berkeley researchers have designed a tool for sorting through and mapping all of the serious traffic collisions in the state.

Legislators tap grad students for expertise
In early June, 20 UC graduate students met with state lawmakers to discuss the variety and importance of their research. Several students were asked for their input on key policy issues, such as conservation and energy.

Turning big ideas into solutions
UC's Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) rewarded teams of students for developing innovative tools that may prove handy for politics, health care and seeking social services.

Graduate students take their research to the Capitol
They delivered a message to legislators: graduate student research is central not only to the future of UC, but to that of the state and the nation as well.

UC center explores race in 21st century
Across all 10 UC campuses, the Center for New Racial Studies connects researchers examining a wide variety of issues linked to race, including class, ethnicity, gender and immigration status.

There's something in the California air
UC professors built and worked in towers as part of the largest single atmospheric research effort in the state. The data they've collected will guide policymakers dealing with air pollution.

Higgs boson: UC physicists mattered in historic search
UC scientists spearheaded key experiments in what some call the 'Holy Grail' discovery in physics: a new particle that may prove to be the long-sought Higgs boson.

After the smoke clears, danger still lurks
Thirdhand smoke is a new frontier, and UC's Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program has assembled a consortium of investigators to study the health risks caused by the remnants of cigarette smoke.

Smarter power
As the nation's power system ages and grows insufficient, UC researchers are building a smarter, greener electric grid for the future.

Center chases truth about state's crises
A multicampus center connects researchers and people in the community to address poverty, employment, health, the environment and other California issues.