Digging the ancient Maya
UC Riverside archaeologists are leaders in studying the mysterious Maya, a dominant culture many centuries ago.

A haven for the spooky and the geeky
With more than 100,000 books, the Eaton Collection at UC Riverside is the world's largest public assortment of science fiction, fantasy, horror and utopian literature. And it is a valuable resource for scholars and researchers worldwide.
Graduate student researchers mix technology and humanity
Graduate students are at the heart of UC research. And many package their expertise, creativity and compassion to tackle and solve key problems in California and beyond.

A tale of two UC natural reserves
The James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve and the Sweeney Granite Mountains Reserve in the Mojave Desert are outdoor labs for students and scientists.

UC center explores race in 21st century
Across all 10 UC campuses, the Center for New Racial Studies connects researchers examining a wide variety of issues linked to race, including class, ethnicity, gender and immigration status.

Crossing borders to kick-start novel research
Scientists in Mexico and at UC study the breeding habits of a remarkable seabird for possible clues about behavioral evolution and how animals may develop immunities. The project is one of many research collaborations supported by UC MEXUS.

Graduate students take their research to the Capitol
They delivered a message to legislators: graduate student research is central not only to the future of UC, but to that of the state and the nation as well.

Proving a concept and leaping the `valley of death`
An instrument to quickly detect traumatic brain injury, a vaccine to save unborn calves from a deadly bacterium and a technology to clean up grimy water are among research projects getting a boost from a new UC program. New grants will help move critical research out of the lab and into the market.