A new way to understand PTSD
Recent improvements in imaging technologies offer a detailed look of the brain. A UCSF psychiatrist hopes these tools will help scientists better understand the cause of conditions such as post traumatic stress and sleep disorders.
Meet the man who invented the instructions for the Internet
Steve Crocker was among a small group of UCLA researchers who sent the first message between the first two nodes of the ARPAnet, the U.S. Department of Defense-funded network that eventually morphed into the modern internet.
UC Berkeley tackles big data
A UC Berkeley team working to advance data science is awarded $10 million by the National Science Foundation.
Study sees way to win spam fight
Computer scientists at UC Berkeley and San Diego looked at billions of unwanted email to find a choke point that could greatly reduce the flow of spam.
Sun-like star dimming may point to planet formation
Rocky planets like Earth may form in a hurry, suggests a UC San Diego team that observed one young star.
California chosen as home for computing institute
The Simons Foundation, which specializes in science and math research, has chosen UC Berkeley as host for an ambitious new center for computer science.
Leaping lizards and dinosaurs inspire robot design
UC Berkeley scientists and students looked at how lizards use their tails when leaping. What they found can help design robots that are more stable on uneven terrain and after unexpected falls, which is critical to successful search and rescue operations.
Scientists map out the universe
UC Santa Cruz have harnessed the power of a NASA supercomputer to create a detailed vision of galaxies like our Milky Way forming under the mysterious forces of dark matter and dark energy.
IBM computer sets speed record
Clocking in at 16.32 sustained petaflops, a supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has been named the world's fastest computing system.
Cancer genome data center raises hope for cures
UC Santa Cruz researchers unveiled a major weapon in the war against cancer: the nation's first catalog of cancer genomes, which hold the clues to the disease's deadly secrets.
Technology Review honors inventors
Pieter Abbeel of UC Berkeley, who creates robots, and Gert Lanckriet of UC San Diego, who instructs computers to classify music, were named among top young innovators whose work promises to change the world.