Harvesting olives
With techniques such as mechanical tree-shaking and pruning, UC Davis researchers are developing reliable and cost-effective ways to sustain an industry that has a fruitful and long history in California.
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Firepower: getting most out of little flame
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory scientists invented “ultraclean low swirl combustion.” Their commercialized burners are cheaper than the traditional kind and they don’t cause pollution.
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Gauging state business climate
UC Irvine economists focus on many factors, including what attracts companies and workers, to give policymakers a good picture of the business environment in California.
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Boosting state's olive growth, processing
The UC Davis Olive Center, a university and industry coalition, seeks to do for olives what the campus did for wine.
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More than just hot air
UC Riverside students came up with a solar-powered system that can nix clothes dryers and save homeowners money. They’ve won a $90,000 grant to help commercialize the system.