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A critical research zone in the Sierra

With the help of wireless sensors, UC researchers observe the cycle of water deep in the soil. Their studies will track how our water and forests respond to climate change.

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Heading into near-zero gravity

UC San Diego students are in Houston, on a NASA plane, this week to investigate what happens in the heads of astronauts during weightlessness. They are part of NASA's Microgravity University, which offers selected students a rare chance to do research in near-zero gravity.

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The science of balancing a bike

In the place some call the Bicycle Capital of the U.S., UC Davis researchers study bike dynamics, handling and control. The knowledge could lead to better designed bikes; different spokes for different folks

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Sustaining farms, food supply

A UC ranch looks at irrigation, plant nutrition and soil health issues, as it reinvents agriculture and readies farms to feed a growing population.