Bracket fungi
Bracket fungi colonize downed logs and branches. They perform key roles in ecosystems by returning nutrients locked in dead tissues to the food web. Photo courtesy of the UC Natural Reserve System.

Sierra larkspur
The mountain or Sierra larkspur, Delphinium glaucum, grows in moist mountainous environments, such as riverbanks and meadows, west of the Rockies. Photo courtesy of the UC Natural Reserve System.

Willow catkin
The willow catkin is native to California's streamside, riparian habitats. Photo courtesy of the UC Natural Reserve System

Opuntia echinocarpa
The silver cholla, Opuntia echinocarpa, is named for the halo of spines that cover its intricately branched arms. This cactus is found in dry habitats below 6,000 feet from Mono County south to Baja California. Photo courtesy of the UC Natural Reserve System.

Aquilegia formosa
The Northwest crimson columbine (Aquilegia formosa) is one of three columbine species native to California. Image courtesy of the UC Natural Reserve System.